Czech Republic, Russia
1+1 week
About the project:
The long-term training course “inFormal – integration of non-formal education approach to the formal education system for youth empowerment at local level” is an attempt to use nonformal education as a tool for youth empowerment in order to address all the mentioned issues and to build a stable and productive co-working platform.
Aims of this project:
To unite efforts of youth workers coming from formal and other youth field backgrounds for youth empowerment at local level by using non-formal education
To build a necessary set of competences for proficient use of non-formal education instruments and tools for youth empowerment at local level
Integration of non-formal education approach to the formal education system for youth empowerment at local level
To introduce the values, principles of non-formal educations
To discuss the recognition of competences gained by non-formal education
To provide the possibility to plan, experiment and to get feedback to the non-formal education activities
To discuss and introduces the ways of integration of non-formal education activities to the system of formal education
To provide the opportunity to assess the quality of non-formal education activities and youth empowerment process at local level
To build a network and to create joined actions in order to address current challenges
Partner countries:
Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Armenia, Hungary, Macedonia, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Turkey